Vic Mix donated its time and energy supporting a worthy cause to help raise money for the McGrath Foundation.
After completion of duties of Saturday 7th of March 2015, a number of bright pink concrete and cement trucks were cleaned up and dispatched to the Marie Wallace Oval in Bayswater to be displayed in support of Pink Stumps Day. Thank you to the many Vic Mix people that willingly offered their time and energy in support of the event. Special thanks to Vince La Bella and Shawn Patasi.
About the McGrath Foundation
Jane McGrath’s personal experience has seen a team of passionate and dedicated people come together and step up to the challenge of making life for families experiencing breast cancer just that little bit easier. The McGrath Foundation raises money to place McGrath Breast Care Nurses in communities right across Australia, no matter where they live or their financial situation. In addition, the McGrath Foundation is committed to increasing breast awareness in Australians, particularly young women.
To find out more about the McGrath Foundation and how you can help make a difference, please visit the website at: or join on: Facebook (mcgrathfoundation), Twitter (mcgrathfdn) or Instagram (mcgrathfoundation) and encourage your friends to do the same.
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